Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  48 Ori  ·  50 Ori)  ·  Flame Nebula  ·  IC 431  ·  IC 432  ·  IC 434  ·  IC 435  ·  NGC 2023  ·  NGC 2024  ·  Orion B  ·  The star Alnitak (ζ Ori  ·  The star σ Ori
Pesky Alnitak with Barnard 33 or The Horsehead Nebulae., Mark Sansom
Pesky Alnitak with Barnard 33 or The Horsehead Nebulae.
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Pesky Alnitak with Barnard 33 or The Horsehead Nebulae.

Pesky Alnitak with Barnard 33 or The Horsehead Nebulae., Mark Sansom
Pesky Alnitak with Barnard 33 or The Horsehead Nebulae.
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Pesky Alnitak with Barnard 33 or The Horsehead Nebulae.



Acquisition details



After procrastinating for several years I decided to buy a GSO 8” F4 Newtonian with the heavy duty focuser. Apparently it’s a rebranded TS-Optics newtonian. It has a larger secondary mirror than the F5 version that will suit my full frame DSLR. With my C11 I could only squeeze in the smaller galaxies and planetary nebulae with the focal reducer on. As an example, on this frame, I would have only fitted in Barnard 33 or The Horsehead nebulae. Here’s my first image through my new scope with the pesky bright star Alnitak creating some havoc. The new scope arrived just before the Vicsouth Star Party so unfortunately I didn’t have time to practice collimating it at home first. I’ve now done a full circle with scopes because I owned an 8” Newtonian from Astro Optical suppliers some 50 years ago.
